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Kubernetes Ingress

Kubernetes has become the cornerstone of modern container orchestration, and as applications grow in complexity, managing external access to services within a cluster becomes critical. This is where Kubernetes Ingress...

Distributed Transactions

In concurrent and distributed systems, managing access to shared resources is a significant challenge. Traditional locking mechanisms, often used in single-threaded or single-process environments, fall short in distributed scenarios. This...

Monitoring Node.js Applications Using PM2

Node.js has become a popular choice for developing server-side applications due to its efficiency and scalability. However, as with any application, monitoring and managing Node.js processes are crucial for ensuring...

SSL Grade A+ using Nginx

How to achieve A+ rating on SSL Labs test on a server running Nginx with Openssl version 1.0.2k.

Optimize Slow Queries in MongoDB with Indexing

MongoDB is a popular NoSQL database known for its flexibility and scalability. However, as your data grows, you might encounter slow queries that can negatively impact your application’s performance. One...

Github Medium style blog

Steps to generate your own custom Blog using Github pages and Mediumish template. Mediumish template is built with Jekyll static site generator tool which has built-in support for GitHub Pages....