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Generate SSL Certificates

Steps to generate SSL Certificates for Java based servers. Learn how to convert various certificate types.

Achieving High Availability using Keepalived

In today’s fast-paced and competitive digital landscape, high availability and fault tolerance have become critical requirements for businesses and organizations. They need their online services to be continuously accessible, even...

Big O Chart

Big O Notation is a mathematical function used in computer science to describe an algorithm’s complexity. It is usually a measure of the runtime required for an algorithm’s execution. But,...

Scaling PHP to Millions of Users

PHP is a popular server-side scripting language known for its ease of use and flexibility. However, as your web application gains traction and attracts millions of users, your PHP codebase...

Application Deployment

Application deployment is a crucial phase in the software development process. It involves releasing the latest changes, updates, or new features to the production environment, making them available to end-users....

MySQL Master Master Replication

MySQL Master-Master replication is a powerful technique for high availability and load balancing in database management. This setup ensures data redundancy and improved fault tolerance, making it suitable for applications...